what we
can do…
We as consumers have untapped power in this capitalist liberal democracy to which most of us subscribe, but in doing so, our frenetic lifestyles spent doing this and buying that which we are told we need, leaves us little time to research the ethical and sustainability effects of our consumer decisions on humanity and the natural environment.
Saving the planet seems so daunting. Every day we are bombarded with news about how the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the cars we drive affect the planet.
However, I believe if enough of us in the wealthier nations make a few small changes to our lifestyles, the accumulative effect will go some way to solving the big issues that threaten the Earth’s resources and cause human suffering.
I wrote a small practical guidebook called ‘What We Can Do - small steps lead to big things’, which provides simple tips on how we can take these small steps.
A few of these issues are highlighted below…
Before we try to help others and the planet, we should look after ourselves.
Heart disease, stroke and lung disease have been the biggest killers over the last two decades. Obesity and smoking related illnesses are a result of spending money on unhealthy choices.
However, in some parts of the world, people do not have sufficient supplies of food or water. Some 9 million people die from starvation each year, due to poverty, war, natural disasters and climate change. Yet, globally, 30 percent of food is wasted.
Check the products you buy are produced from ethical and sustainable sources…
The money you save by eating healthy can be used to help educate females in poor countries about limiting family size to help reduce poverty and overpopulation…
Leave the car at home and cycle or bus to work once or twice a week.
Eat a little less meat.
Change energy provider to 100% renewable source…
My book ‘What We Can Do’ gives simple tips and advice on how to make a difference in all of the following big issues by taking small steps at a time…
well-being food production poverty
human rights deforestation
indigenous peoples consumerism global warming
overpopulation technology
belief systems